Regina Louise, an abandoned black child, is placed in a home where she demonstrates anger issues. Jeanne Kerr, a white counselor, empathizes with her and they form a bond which leads to a petition for adoption. The home's director, a black woman, informs her that she will fight the petition, believing that a black child could not be raised by a white woman; the judge agrees. Regina is sent to a private institution and Jeanne's attempts to communicate with her are hindered. When Regina comes of age the institution releases her, with no financial or other support; however, they turn over all of Jeanne's letters which had been withheld from her. Regina pursues an education and begins a search for the woman she always thought of as her mother. Regina Louise,一個被遺棄的黑人孩子,被安置在一個她表現出憤怒問題的家中。 白人顧問珍妮·克爾 (Jeanne Kerr) 對她表示同情,他們形成了一種紐帶,導致了收養請願書。 該家庭的負責人是一名黑人婦女,她告訴她,她將與請願作鬥爭,認為黑人孩子不能由白人婦女撫養; 法官同意。 里賈納被送到私人機構,珍妮試圖與她溝通的嘗試受到阻礙。 當 Regina 成年時,機構釋放了她,沒有經濟或其他支持; 然而,他們把珍妮的所有信件都交給了她。 里賈納追求教育並開始尋找她一直認為是她母親的女人。