function checkBOM ($filename) { global $auto; $contents = file_get_contents($filename); $charset[1] = substr($contents, 0, 1); $charset[2] = substr($contents, 1, 1); $charset[3] = substr($contents, 2, 1); if (ord($charset[1]) == 239 && ord($charset[2]) == 187 && ord($charset[3]) == 191) { if ($auto == 1) { $rest = substr($contents, 3); rewrite ($filename, $rest); return ("<font color=red>BOM found, automatically removed.</font>"); } else { return ("<font color=red>BOM found.</font>"); } } else return ("BOM Not Found."); }
<"htmlcode">##把该文件放在需求去除BOM头的目录下跑一下却可。 <"/" . $file )) { // 如果是文件 echo "filename: $basedir/$file " . checkBOM ( "$basedir/$file" ) . " <br>"; } else { $dirname = $basedir . "/" . $file; // 如果是目录 checkdir ( $dirname ); // 递归 } } } closedir ( $dh ); } } function checkBOM($filename) { global $auto; $contents = file_get_contents ( $filename ); $charset [1] = substr ( $contents, 0, 1 ); $charset [2] = substr ( $contents, 1, 1 ); $charset [3] = substr ( $contents, 2, 1 ); if (ord ( $charset [1] ) == 239 && ord ( $charset [2] ) == 187 && ord ( $charset [3] ) == 191) { // BOM // 的前三个字符的ASCII // 码分别为 // 239 // 187 // 191 if ($auto == 1) { $rest = substr ( $contents, 3 ); rewrite ( $filename, $rest ); return ("<font color=red>BOM found, automatically removed.</font>"); } else { return ("<font color=red>BOM found.</font>"); } } else return ("BOM Not Found."); } function rewrite($filename, $data) { $filenum = fopen ( $filename, "w" ); flock ( $filenum, LOCK_EX ); fwrite ( $filenum, $data ); fclose ( $filenum ); } "htmlcode">#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os def delBOM(): file_count = 0 bom_files = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'): if(len(filenames)): for filename in filenames: file_count += 1 file = open(dirpath + "/" + filename, 'r+') file_contents = file.read() if(len(file_contents) > 3): if(ord(file_contents[0]) == 239 and ord(file_contents[1]) == 187 and ord(file_contents[2]) == 191): bom_files.append(dirpath + "/" + filename) file.seek(0) file.write(file_contents[3:]) print bom_files[-1], "BOM found. Deleted." file.close() print file_count, "file(s) found.", len(bom_files), "file(s) have a bom. Deleted." if __name__ == "__main__": delBOM()为了方便大家使用,这里小编分享一个BOM工具方便大家检测。