<"\n" ); define( 'TB', ' ' ); // connecting to MySQL. $conn = @mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'username', 'password' ) or die( mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error().NL ); // attempt to get a list of MySQL databases // already set up in my account. This is done // using the PHP function: mysql_list_dbs() $result = mysql_list_dbs( $conn ); // Output the list echo '<ul class="projects">'.NL; ///* USING: mysql_fetch_object() // --------------------------- while( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $result ) ): echo TB.'<li>'.$row->Database.'</li>'.NL; endwhile; //*/ /* USING: mysql_fetch_row() // ------------------------ while( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) ): echo TB.'<li>'.$row[0].'</li>'.NL; endwhile; //*/ /* USING: mysql_fetch_assoc() // -------------------------- while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ): echo TB.'<li>'.$row['Database'].'</li>'.NL; endwhile; //*/ echo '</ul>'.NL; // Free resources / close MySQL Connection mysql_free_result( $result ); mysql_close( $conn ); ?>